Events Calendar at RLC

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Artwork by Fernanda Peralta

The 2025 season will be active with lots of special events, regular gatherings, and other activities.

Opening Day for members is Saturday April 19, First Weekend for Visitors will be Saturday May 3. Continue to check this page once the season opens.

Please scroll down for typical events you can expect during the season, below the “New This Year” section.



In addition to our regular events and activities, you can expect some exciting activities in 2024. If you’re interested in running an event or helping out, just let us know.


National Naked Hiking Day

Join us to celebrate the summer solstice with a morning sound bath followed by a mediative hike in our woods on June 21.

Lake Day

Lake Day with fun games and competitions in and around the lake. Join us for our Lake Day, Saturday July 26.

Dinner Fundraiser

Menu TBD on Saturday, June 7, 6 p.m.

Annual Activities, Events and Parties

Everyone is welcome to participate in these events and contribute to the community with your time, talent and culinary skills.

  • Takes place in October when the leaves are at their best and the temperature is perfect for hiking. Of course, anyone is welcome to hike on their own at any time.

  • Held in September, members and guests are welcome to sign up to play singles, doubles or both. A pot-luck breakfast for players and significant others is held the day after the tournament.

  • Bring-a-Dish Dinners are popular and held a few times during the summer. The community comes together to provide a large variety of dishes and desserts for all to share.

  • The Annual Halloween Party features food, music, dancing and costumes as we bid farewell to the season.

  • Holiday barbecues and parties are held on Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day weekends, with food, fun and dancing with our own Rock Lodge band, followed by our DJ. There is a small charge for the barbecue with a larger suggested fee and participants graciously provides the sides and desserts.

  • These are held several times during the summer on a giant outdoor screen with movies suitable for the young and old alike. Popcorn and stars included!

  • On weekends when no special events or parties are planned, you can expect to find folks dancing inside and outside the rec room in the bungalow.

  • Coffee Klatches are a Rock Lodge tradition, held on most Sundays at 3 p.m., where you can take a break from the lake to socialize and eat (as well as bring and bake) sweets. Our talented musicians are often there for some open mic performances.

  • Each year our members, guests and visitors are welcomed to show off their best talents

  • Classes are held throughout the summer outdoors on the badminton court, usually on Sundays at 2 p.m. The program is free to members, visitors and guests. Participants should bring their own mats. Clothing is optional. Stay tuned for the schedule for the 2023 season.

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