Rock Lodge Club Events

Opening Day for Members 2025
The 2025 season opens for RLC members on Saturday April 19

Opening Day for Visitors
The Club opens for all beginning May3. We’ll also be celebrating World Naked Gardening Day. Bring a seed or plant for our designated garden, including wildflower seeds to grow during No Mow May.

Memorial Day Bring a Dish
Let’s kick off the unofficially start of summer together with a bring-a-dish Memorial Day party.

Appetizers, Dessert & Dancing
Let’s get together over appetizers, desserts and dancing. Bring something to share.

Game Night / Dance Party
This will be the first of several game nights this summer. More details to come.

Wellness Day: Celebrate the Summer Solstice Naked in Nature
Once again, we are holding a full day of Wellness. This year we will be celebrating the Summer Solstice Naked in Nature. Activities will include a sound bath; salad bar lunch; an afternoon hike event; water station and closing event.

Storytelling with Cider & S'mores
Let’s sit around the campfire and share stories and snacks

National Skinny Dip Day with barbecue lunch
Meet us in the lake for National Skinny Dip Day and stay for a group photo.

Stir-fry dinner
Our favorite chef, Diane, will get us all set up for a stir-fry fundraising dinner

Closing Day
Say goodbye to Rock Lodge for the winter and get ready to come back when we open in May.

Literary Evening
Book Discussion Group: Come with your favorite book from the past year. Share your fascination with all present. It is a delightful evening, fun and stimulating. Come even if you don’t have a book to share. Enjoy after dinner coffee and munchies. Stone House Livingroom.

CPR / AED Certification Class
This CPR / AED course will enable you to become certified. The cost is $30, paid at the start of class. To register, send an email to rlcsafety@rocklodge.com

Coffee Klatch
A special birthday Coffee Klatch, celebrating Matt, Ron and Eliza, will be held on the patio.

Labor Day BBQ and Party
Let’s close out the “unofficial” end of summer with our traditional Labor Day barbecue, followed by the Rock Lodge Band and dancing under the stars. Please bring a side dish or dessert. Cost: $25 for adults; $10 for kids under 16; Free for kids 5 and under. Register online and pay in advance to bypass the pay line.

Breakfast Buffet
Join us for Sunday Breakfast. The breakfast buffet will include eggs two ways, home fried potatoes, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit salad, a make your own waffle station, assorted baked goods and more. Cost is $18 per adult ($20 suggested price), $8 for children under 16 ($10 suggested price), free for children under 5.

Family Feud Game Night
Our professional game host will lead us in a spirited night of Family Feud. Join the fun.

Lake Day
Get ready for our Second Annual Lake Day with activities in and out of the water. Here’s the agenda:
10 a.m. - Scavenger hunt
10:40 a.m. - Fishing derby
11:20 a.m. - Everybody in the lake: Crazy jump and bellyflop contest, simple water safety tips and floating lessons
12 p.m. - Face / body painting, bracelet making
12:45 p.m. - Lunch break. Bring your own
1:45 p.m. - Nature walk
2:15 p.m. - Water Relay Race
2:45 p.m. - Grand Flotilla
3:15 p.m. - Watermelon
All day - Slip and slide

International Bring-a-Dish
Bring a dish that represents your heritage. Click here to let us know what you’re bringing.

Trivia Revolution
Join us for a fun night of TRIVIA and become part of the revolution that’s taking place at bars, breweries and restaurants across the country.

Independence Day Party
Independence Day Barbecue, followed by the Rock Lodge Band, a DJ and Dancing. $20 adults, $10 children. Register now.

Dance Party
Let’s dance under the tent after we join together for a bring your own dinner

Wellness Weekend
A full weekend of wellness with meditation, forest bathing, sound bath, yoga, plant remedy workshop, storytelling under the stars and much more. See the full agenda here.

Pasta Night Fundraiser
Who doesn’t love a pasta dinner, with some salad on the side of course! Choose from different sauces to top your pasta. Eat and enjoy. RLC Members, please register for the event in advance so we know how many people plan to attend. RLC Visitors, please fill out a Visitor Request Form for the 2024 season prior to registering for the event. Cost: $20 per serving.

Memorial Day Party/ Bring-A-Dish Dinner
Celebrate Memorial Day with a Bring-a-Dish dinner, followed by dancing. Bring your favorite dish to share with the community. Click here to let us know what you plan to bring.

Opening Day for Visitors
The 2024 season kicks off for visitors. Come see us this summer.

Clean Up Weekend
Come help us get the lake ready as we rake, clean up, and set up the beach area

Last Day
It’s a wrap. RLC closes until next season.
We hope to see you again next year!

Halloween Party
Let’s have fun celebrating Halloween as our 2023 season comes to an end. Wear a costume, bring a dish, appetizer and / or dessert to share.

Coffee Klatch
Join us for the last Coffee Klatch of the season. Bring your favorite fall inspired dessert to share.

Hike to Russia Brook waterfalls
Join our member Kristina for a 60-90 minute hike on Sunday. Meet at the Bungalow.