RLC & RPI Organizational Structure + Committees Information

Structure Overview


Rock Lodge Club


Rock Properties, Inc.


RLC + RPI Joint Committees


RLC Beautification Committee


  • Create informal gardens that are nearly maintenance-free; surviving on rain and weekend watering

  • Weed and judicious, educated prune; purchase and plant and nurture appropriate plants

  • Guide members who want to help so that plants are not mistaken for weeds

  • Maintain the 'natural' look in all our gardens

RLC Beautification Committee

  • Open

RLC Business Systems Committee


  • Recommend funding for developing new systems and upgrading existing systems to the RLC Board.

  • Create sub-committees of experts to conduct new development and upgrade projects.

  • Oversee the planning, specification, design, implementation, and maintenance of new business systems.

  • Oversee the planning, specification, design, implementation, and maintenance of upgrades to existing business systems.

  • Ensure that all business systems reflect the requirements for security, reliability, maintainability, availability, and cost-effectiveness. Ensure that these systems are in compliance with RLC by-laws and trustee laws and applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

RLC Business Systems Committee

  • Alan C, Chair

  • Barry S

RLC By-Laws Committee

Our goal is to work to improve the RLC By-Laws including: clarification of ambiguous text, simplification, modernization, and addressing gaps (due to e.g. change in Laws). It is a common best practice in non-profit organizations to go through such a revision periodically.

Our intention is to have this designed as a member-driven process. By design, a large majority of the By-Law Committee Members are not Trustees. Additionally, we like to incorporate members’ feedback and suggestions in multiple stages of the process. As a first step, we ask you to send us your suggestions for By-Law improvements. To help us address your suggestion please be as detailed and as concrete as possible.
Please include:

  1. The issue this suggestion is addressing

  2. Proposed changes to resolve said issue

  3. List of relevant locations (page and paragraph number) in the By-Law document.

(Note: The scope of this committee is the By-Laws only. Trustees Laws are handled separately by the RLC. Trustees, and must not conflict with the By-Law.)

RLC By-Laws Committee

  • Bob F, Chair

  • Tamar E, Chair

  • Jim B

  • Nicole C

  • Sarah H

  • Matt K

  • Al M

  • Patricia M

  • Barry S

RLC Disciplinary Committee

Functions: The Disciplinary Committee, consisting of an independent Hearing Officer and three members all of whom must be permanent, full members, is appointed by the Board.

The function of the committee is to implement the provisions stated in the RLC Trustee Laws, Appendix B, DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES. These provisions include a schedule of Prohibited Behaviors and prescribe the sanctions to be carried out when such behaviors occur.

The Committee will resolve violations in the following manner, as prescribed in the Trustee Law:

  • The Hearing Officer will initially receive a report of a violation, investigate the report, possibly including interviews with both complainants and accused, and document the findings for the Disciplinary Committee.

  • The Disciplinary Committee will receive the Hearing Officer's findings, possibly conduct further hearings with all parties involved, and make recommendations to the Board regarding disposition including sanctions.

  • The Board will consider the recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee and determine the final disposition of the problem including the imposition of any sanctions.

RLC Disciplinary Committee

  • Matt K, chair

RLC Entertainment Committee

Functions: Maintaining calendar of events and alerting webmaster of dates to post on the website

  • Recruiting volunteer host(s) to organize and run parties and social events such as 4th of July Party, Labor Day Party, etc. Host responsibilities include:

    • Shopping for supplies

    • Making posters and decorations

    • Arranging for DJs

    • Collecting money and keeping accounts

    • Shopping for party supplies

    • Setting up tables

    • Cooking

    • Taking down tables, decorations

    • Cleaning up

  • Providing Instructions and support to hosts

RLC Entertainment Committee

  • Peggy Z, Chair

RLC Finance Committee

Functions: Review rates and fees and recommend adjustments to the RLC board.  Fees include:

  • Room maintenance fees

  • Cabin site fees

  • Membership fees (in collaboration with the Membership Committee)

  • Daily fees (for Associate members)

  • Guest fees

  • Visitor fees

  • Ancillary fees (i.e.: WiFi, A/C)

RLC Finance Committee

  • David K, Chair

  • Jim B

  • Colin D

  • Richard E

RLC Hot Tub Committee

Hot Tub how-to videos, courtesy the Hot Tub team.

RLC Hot Tub Committee

  • Anthony L

  • Peggy Z

  • Ron W (Certified Pool Operator)

RLC Facility Management Committee

Functions: The FMC will serve as a clearing house for maintenance projects to ensure they are properly prioritized and executed. Priority considerations include safety, aesthetics, impact to the Club’s members, visitors and guests, costs and other required resources. The FMC will work with the Resident Manager and Caretaker to ensure everyone is aligned – whether existing or newly identified needs.

RLC Facility Management Committee

  • Jim D, Chair

  • Dorothy C

  • Griff G

RLC Lake Health/Conservation Committee

Functions: Maintains the health of the lake

RLC Lake Health/Conservation Committee

  • Lenny L, Chair

RLC Membership Committee


  • Help build Club membership

  • Manage Visitor and Guest requests

  • Determine acceptance of permanent members

  • Reply to inquiries and follow-up with potential members

  • Screen requests from potential visitors

  • Deal with individual membership issues i.e. improper behavior

RLC Membership Committee

  • Lynn M, Chair

  • Lisa K

  • Jay K

  • Val L

  • Dorothy C

    Ex-officio (non-voting)

  • Barry S (DB Manager)

  • Ann B

RLC Marketing Committee (subcommittee of Membership)


  • Develop marketing plan that includes social media, outreach to relevant publications

  • Identify opportunities for publicizing the club and its events and writing copy for the advertisements. 

  • Act as host and guide to reporters and photographers who visit the club to do stories and take photos

RLC Marketing Committee Members

  • Lynn M, chair

  • Alex P

RLC Safety Committee


Conduct vulnerability assessment that anticipates hazards and potentially dangerous events

  • Conduct weekly inspections of water safety equipment including life preservers and boats

  • MAintain first aid equipment and supplies including AED.

  • Reports to board and membership on safety matters

  • Conduct periodic water safety classes

  • Provide periodic AED and CPR training/recertification

RLC Safety Committee Members

  • Lenny L, Chair

RLC Website Committee

Functions: Create and maintain of the RLC website and various work required on the technical back-end.

RLC Website Committee

  • Stacy S, Chair

  • Evelyn K

  • Diane M

  • Barry S

RLC Election (Ad-Hoc) Committee

The Election Committee is an Ad-Hoc Committee, convened when an election of the Board of Trustees is held.

The Committee is only convened in instances when the number of candidates exceeds the number of seats on the Board.

For more information on the composition and responsibilities of the Committee, see Appendix A of the Trustee Laws.

RLC Election Committee

  • John K, Chair

Dam Restoration Committee

  • Ensure the dam is kept in a safe condition

  • Supervise routine maintenance 

  • Bring dam into compliance with state guidelines 

  • Select engineering firm to guide our interaction with the state

  • Obtain low interest rate state loan to finance dam restoration

  • Work with engineering firm to develop restoration plan 

  • Select construction contractor to carry out restoration plan 

RLC/RPI Joint Dam Restoration Committee Members

  • Phil H, Chair

Preservation, Land Use and Construction Committee (PLUCC)

  • Set standards for land use, preservation, and planning issues at Rock Lodge

  • Harmonize land use, preservation, and planning policy for Rock Lodge Club and RPI

  • Serve in an advisory capacity to the RLC and RPI Boards for land use, preservation, and planning issues

  • Oversees plans for development or alteration of structures, the lake, land, and dam and conducts site inspections

  • Oversee the environmental health of the community including the water, fauna, foliage, and forest through subcommittees

RLC/RPI Joint Preservation, Land Use and Construction Committee (PLUCC)

  • Peter F, Chair

  • Phil H

  • Anthony L

  • Ex-Officio Members of PLUCC:

    • RPI President

    • RLC President

    • Resident Manager

RPI Property Improvement Committee

  • Identify and track property improvement requests at Rock Lodge Club (excluding routine maintenance and emergencies). The committee will provide a method to submit new ideas, prioritize ideas based on member feedback, and ensure that requests have sufficient information to be reviewed by the RPI Board of Trustees or, in many cases, both RLC and RPI boards. The committee will also track approved projects to completion.

RPI Property Improvement Committee

  • Alan S., Chair

  • Jeffrey B

  • Peter F

  • Jay K

Rock Lodge Architecture Advisory Board (RLAAB)

RLAAB offers advise on restoration, renovation and new construction projects, ongoing site improvement and maintenance. RLAAB develops general design guidance for projects as well as specific material selection, design and/or detail development.

Free professional advice will be provided in the form of written statements, drawings, sketches, models, renderings, specifications or combinations of the above. Further, RLAAB can review contracts with contractors prior to the club engaging them.

RLAAB’s advice shall support the club to achieve the best outcome possible for each project large or small; to have projects succeed within budget and timeframe; to develop Rock Lodge with respect for the clubs history and a larger holistic vision for a sustainable future; and ultimately, to create an environment that has authenticity and elicits DELIGHT.

Rock Lodge Architecture Advisory Board (RLAAB)

  • Evelyn K, Chair

  • Anthony L

  • Gil S

RPI Auditing Committee

Examines the financial records of the Corporation each year following the close of the fiscal year and submits an official auditor (CPA or equivalent) report to the Trustees and to the members as requested.

RPI Auditing Committee

  • Steven C, Chair

  • Al M

RPI By-Laws Review Committee

RPI By-Laws Review Committee

  • Hugh C, Chair

RPI Dam Operations Committee

Functions: Management of Dam Operations

RPI Dam Operations Committee

  • Adam O, Dam Operations Manager

RPI Finance Committee


  • Prepare financial projections based on foreseeable income and expenditures and prepare a reports for RPI annual meetings

  • Determine the projected financial health of RPI and the effect of projected additional disbursements upon the assets and reserves of RPI

  • Identify financial and related issues that might affect the well-being of RPI, and collaterally RLC, and bring those issues to the attention of the RPI board

RPI Finance Committee

  • Jeffrey B, Chair

  • Steve C

RPI Housing and Bond Coordination Committee


  • Maintain records / sales of all bonds

  • Serve as point of contact when bond-holder residents decide to vacate a room and when members express interest in certain rooms.

  • Coordinate with RLC regarding seasonal rentals of rooms to RLC members who are not RPI bond-holders, in the event that no RPI bond-holders express interest in those vacant rooms prior to December 31st preceding each season.

Available Documents:

Official RPI Housing and Bond Coordination Committee Process for Room Allocation

Official RPI Housing and Bond Coordination Committee Process for Bond Transfers

RPI Bond and Room Waiting List

RPI Housing and Bond Coordination Committee

  • Marcy G, Chair

  • Alan S

RPI Insurance Committee


  • Explore insurance options for Cabin Rights Holders in addition to the RLC Commercial policy

  • Consider how to manage policies (proof-of-insurance, Bylaw impact, etc.)

  • Consider coverage requirements

RPI Insurance Committee

  • Carl B, Chair

  • Peter F

  • Marcy G

RPI Salable Properties Committee


  • Looking at saleable properties and making recommendations to RPI Board

RPI Saleable Properties Committee

  • As needed

RPI Election (Ad-Hoc) Committee

The Election Committee is an Ad-Hoc Committee, convened when an election of the Board of Trustees is held.


  • Count ballots

  • Verify results of elections

RPI Election (Ad-Hoc) Committee

  • John K, Chair