Pet Rules


Pet rules, applicable to members, guests, and visitors with pets

Except for certified service animals, you can only bring a pet if you have overnight accommodations at the Club. Owners of certified service animals must show the certification documents upon arrival.

Before any dog or cat is brought onto Club grounds, documentation of a valid and up-to-date inoculation for rabies must be provided to be kept on file.

  • Dogs are prohibited from the sand at Sandy Beach during weekends and holidays, as well as from swimming or wading in the lake, except in the designated area and under their owners' supervision.

  • Dogs must be on leash and under their owners' supervision at all times, except when confined to owners' areas.

  • Owners are responsible for picking up after their dogs.

  • Dog are prohibited from disturbing the peace and quiet of the community at any time.

  • Cats must be on a leash between 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM weekends and holidays except when confined to owners' areas. If cats are allowed to wander freely about the Club grounds at other times they must wear a bell.

  • Pet owners are expected to take all precautions to make sure their pets are free from fleas before bringing them onto Club grounds.

  • Any pet owner whose pet violates these rules will receive one warning. A second violation will result in a $25 fine. After a third violation, the pet will be prohibited from Club grounds for the season.